
Latest UIIC Assistant Result 2015 Declare Date and Expected Cut off Marks

UIIC Assistant Result 2015 Declare Date and Expected Cut off Marks

The United India Insurance Company Limited (UIIC) successfully conducted the written test.The UIIC Assistant conducted the written test two days, on 3rd January 2015 and 4th January 2015.The UIIC was organised the examination total 684 Assistant positions through out the India.The UIIC is having lot of requirements are there every year.over all in India.Who appeared the UIIC Assistant exam they are waiting for the result and cut off marks.The expected UIIC Assistant result and cut off marks will be according to category wise.UIIC Assistant 2015.Cut Off 2015 for General, SC, ST and OBC. UIIC Assistant result will be upload soon here and at official website.The aspirants who qualified the UIIC Assistant written examination have to face the personal interview.UIIC board take the final decision to select the candidates depends upon the written test and personal interview.Check here the UIIC Assistant Result 2015 or United India Insurance Assistant Cut off Marks 2015.

Details of UIIC Assistant Result 2015 Declaration

Here we have to give the information to who were attend and wrote the written test for UIIC Assistant Result 2015 will be declared here and at official site of United India Insurance Company Limited. The UIIC Assistant Result not yet given in their official website. Candidates can check for the UIIC assistant Result and cut off marks in this link. UIIC Assistant result and cut off marks will be announced in the official website candidates should check the UIIC Assistant Result 2015 in the official website

 Method of UIIC Selection for Assistant jobs

1.First written examination will conduct for UIIC Assistant position.
2.Second all the candidates, who are qualified the UIIC Assistant written examination will face the personal interview.
3.Third final cutoff list will be  declared on the basis of written test and personal Interview performances.
4.Candidates finally selected after the Police verification and other documents verification.We
Hope the candidates were satisfied the sufficient information regarding the Assistant Post result date and cut off list.

Description: For the post of UIIC Insurance for Assistant 2015 cut off and result keep in touch with this link and also log on to the UIIC company official website.

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