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Stock market

A stock market is also called as  equity market. The stock market comprise buyers and sellers.various types of economic transactions, of stocks,which are also called shares. the stocks or shares of various securities listed on a stock exchange will only be traded in the stock market.Let us know about history of the stock market.

History of stock market

Actually the History of the stock market started in 12th century AD. According to experts the stock market activities has initiated in the country, FRANCE. the initial stock market activities started, when few groups of people (courretiers de change) tried to manage and regulate financial issues of farmers (agricultural communities) on behalf of the banks, but there is a misconception that the stock market activities the late 13th century, when "Bruges commodity traders" started trading in the house (Brugse Beurse) of a man called Van der Beurze. Later the same Idea has spread around the world during the year 1409 AD. The Brugse Beurse is felt to be the primary place for trading. After that the Venetian bankers began to trade in government securities during the 13 Century. 

Later the Dutch East India Company which was founded in 1602 has fixed a capital stock as a first joint-stock company known as the Amsterdam Exchange. Now there are various stock markets were established around the world. The world's largest stock markets are present in the United States, United Kingdom, Japan, India, Pakistan, China, Canada, Germany (Frankfurt Stock Exchange), France, South Korea and the Netherlands.

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